Project Description

In position 2017 – 2018
Even though it was at very short notice, being appointed High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire was a great honour and privilege and a unique opportunity to get to know the wider county, including many of its elected officials and officers. The advice I received from the High Sheriffs’ Association and some of my predecessors helped a great deal to map out my year in office and I was grateful for their input.
It was also humbling to meet so many individuals and groups from all walks of life dedicated to serving others within their communities and more widely, often with inadequate resources at their disposal.
My time as High Sheriff
Having served as a Mental Health Act manager for the NHS for over 20 years, I sought to promote platforms for wider discussion on mental health, particularly initiatives focusing on prevention and early intervention, and I tried to incorporate that theme into my shrieval duties whenever possible.
I shall remain forever indebted to the numerous voluntary organisations and people that rallied to the call, including some from the armed forces and police. I am particularly grateful to the then mayor of Buckingham, Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner, and Chief Constable of Thames Valley police, for their invaluable support.
Needless to say, getting to know the judiciary was great fun and the making of good friendships. Their support for the role, added to that received from the Lord-Lieutenant was greatly appreciated, and I will always look back at my year as High Sheriff with affection and bewilderment at how quickly the year went by.